3 articles, 3 methods to prevent laryngitis

Laryngitis (according to the old physician is the hoarseness testimony or loss of voice is referred to as "faucal". Cause: Due to prolonged sore throat, painful swollen pharynx area,, caught a cold. The pathogens cause disease from the outside such as brevet, room temperature. Symptoms: Loss of voice or hoarse voice, coughing, sore throat, dry throat, hot breath, the feeling in the throat problems which symptoms are most prominent for loss of voice. Principle of treatment according to oriental medicine is anti- leprosy, anti-inflammatory, pharynx. Here are some medications.
Lesson 1: 
Anti- leprosy 12g, cockscomb mint 16g, platycodon 12g, sweet rush 16g, mulberry bark medicine 16g, five tastes 10g, herb plain.12g, liquorice 16g, five tastes 10g, herb plaitain 20g. For herbs in a bottle, pour 1.400ml left 400ml, divide 3-4 times drink/ a day. anti- leprosy, anti-inflammatory, pharynx.

Lesson 2:

Fig-wort 12g, ophiopogon japonicus 16g, platycodon 16g, folium mori 20g, centella 20g, dried tangerine 12g, almonth 12g, plantago asiatica 12g, liquorice 16g, polyscias fruticosa 16g, common food 12g, For tastes in a bottle, pour 1.400ml left 400ml, divide 3-4 times drink/ a day. Usage: anti-inflammatory, lymph.

Lesson 3: 

Belamcan da sinensis 12g, Fig-wort 12g, sweet rush 16g, almonth 20g, platycodon 16g, ophiopogon japonicus 16g, aspagarush 12g, ginkgo 10g, five tastes 10g, ashweed 16g, turoz 10g, herb plantain 20g, lanceolate-leaf bluemea 16g, folium mori 20g, common food 12g, liquorice 16g. 1 traditional recipe/a day. Usage: anti-inflammatory, lymph.

Popular experience to prevent laryngitis

Method 1: A carambola sliced in a glass cup, spread over 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, cover. After 2-3 hours there was a little water in the bottom of the cup, then drinking water at a gradual, many cases have used this method results very well.

Method 2: Black beans 100g, white wine 500ml, licorice 30g, dried tangerine 20g. How to make: prepare a gourmet with average capacity of 800 - 1.000ml. Roast black beans smoky, licorice sliced to live, dried tangerine roasts tasty. For medicinal herbs in the bottle, pour down 500ml wine, cover tight then bury into the ground, 45 days. Then open the lid to take medicine alcohol to use.

Dosage and usage: drinking 30-35 mL divided 3-4 times. Usage: Anti- leprosy, anti-inflammatory, up nearly benefit.

Method 3: Shallot leaf 10g, salt apricot fruit 2, white roses 10g. For tastes in the bottle to brake the boiling water to drink.