Pepper - Spice makes medicine

Pepper, also known as pepper, pepper are a kinds of vines. Branches of the stem have many roots to attach the stem on stanchion. Simple leaves, grows alternate, with stalks; pointed long, oval blade. Inflorescence is the flowers that bring down many flowers. Berries without peduncle, 4-8mm in diameter, when immature is green yellow and when ripe is red. Rounded, firm, fragrant seeds and spicy. Plants have flowers and fruit in 5-8 months.

Pepper is a common spice and familiar around the world. In our country, many trees are planted in areas of basalt from the provinces of Quang Tri in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. There are two types of pepper: black pepper and white pepper. Black pepper is picked when unripe fruit, dried, wrinkled skin, black. White pepper is indeed ripe fruit, removes the outer shell, just keep the seeds, exposure sun will bring ivory, gray seeds. White pepper is less aromatic than black pepper because crust contains the oil have been removed, but more spicy.

 Pepper tree.

According to traditional medicine, a spicy pepper, the hot, fragrant; warms the stomach, anodyne, food consumption, stimulate gastric antibacterial, antiseptic, ... Often use as a digestive stimulant, anodyne, cold abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, tooth decay, ...

Some commonly used drugs

To treat liquid and vomiting: white pepper seeds, sell limit, the two equal quantities, small pound, makes the tablet as a pea. 15-20 days for tablet, when drinking, use ginger juice to drink drug. Or: white pepper 20g pound, old galanga 50g pound, dried tangerine peel 30g chop, all soak with a half pint of white wine in 15-20 days. Drink 3 times per day, per once 15 ml. Use three days.

Cold abdomen, vomiting: 12g pepper soak with 1 liter of wine 40 degrees in 15 - 20 days, take 2 times a day before meals, each with a small cup. Use three days.

Black and White pepper

Dysmenorrhea: white pepper powder 1g, mixed with a small cup of warm white wine to drink, affect to reduce menstrual pain in women.

Anodyne teeth: white pepper, dried ginger, two things of equal quality, dry out, pound smooth, picks your teeth. Use black pepper or ground into fine powder to rub in the root of tooth.

Note: Pepper is spicy, hot character negative wealth people, infections caused by heat, stomach diseases should not take much.