Kyllinga nemoralis the expression effects

Kyllinga nemoralis (Forst, et Forst.f.) Dandy ex Hutch, et Dalz. (K. monocephala Rottb) - Cyperaceae.

In Vietnam, these grasses grows wild along the way, the moisture soil from Lao Cai, Son La, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Hanoi, Ninh Binh, Thua Thien-Hue, Lam Dong, Ho Chi Minh City and Tien Giang. Trees can be harvested all round year.Wash Cleanly, use fresh or dry properly.

Kyllinga nemoralis is the herbaceous tree that has lived for many years, 7-20cm high; rhizomes grow to creep. Leaves is often shorter than the body. Proximal inflorescence is spherical, diameter 4-8mm; 1-3 narrow cylindrical flower; 3-4 leaves with bract shape, spreading, length: 10cm, leaflet is one flower. Akene is an opposite oval, flat, yellow white, slightly marked.


Kyllinga nemoralis 

The component uses to make medicine is the whole tree of herba Kyllingae Nemoralis. All parts of tree are aromatic, but the most aromatic is the root.

Oriental medicine think that white-headed grass is the spicy, medium character, advantage of the expression effects, sweating, diuretic, except for cough, analgesia.  
Use to treat hay fever, make drink sweat, whooping cough, bronchitis, swelling sore throat, malaria, dysentery rectum, diarrhea, hurt kick. Treatment of snake bites, pimples, itchy skin, phagedaena. Use
10 - 30g or more, decoction. Use outside, pound up the fresh tree on the spot or boil water for washing sores.

For reference and application, introduce the cure of 
Kyllinga nemoralis:

Treat whooping cough, tracheitis, cough: Use 60g 
Kyllinga nemoralis to decoct, divide into twice/ a day.

Malaria: Use 60g 
Kyllinga nemoralis, decoct, drink 4 hours before the fever symptoms.

Urinate nutrient: Use 
Kyllinga nemoralis, human flesh (longan) each taste 50g, decoction.

Use to prevent, treatment of snake bites, pimples, ulcerated skin dose of 30 - 60g, decoction.

Use outside, pounding out the tree to cover or cook to wash. In Malaysia, people use rhizomes to treat pedionalgia.