Stemona tuberosa called the thirty bulbs, Stemona tuberosa lour, fiber (Tay), smell of dried worm (Yao), flexiblity (Ba na). Scientific name: Stemona tuberosa Lour. Stemonaceae is the wild tree that grows everywhere. Parts are used as drugs in the underground roots, exposes or dries. According to Oriental medicine, Stemonaceae is sweety, bitter, little temperate. In Chung Fu, effect the lungs, cough treatment, in addition, effect deworming, except for bugs, lice.
Dosage: 8 - 20g.
Some usages of stemonaceae to make medicine:
Profit lungs, cough treatment: For pulmonary TB, prolonged cough, little fever in the afternoon, bronchitis, whooping cough.
- Fresh stemonaceae 1kg, peel, remove core, pound, squeeze juice, refuse waste, add gall to cook to become a glue. Once drink a spoon, 3 times/ a day. Long-term treatment of cough.
- Stemonaceae 40g, asparagus cocjinchinensis 40g, haemodoraceae 40g, ochrocarpus siamensis L 3 fruits, Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 20g. Use one cup of fresh ginger juice, mix with the bee bile , cook to become a pellet as longan seeds. Each time hold in a mouth one pellet. Cough treatment for years, gradually heat turns into tuberculosis.
- Stemonaceae 16g, Herba Elsholtziae ciliatae 12g, Rhizhonae et Radix Cynanchi Stauntonii 12g, Platycodon grandiflorum 12g.Decoction. Cold treatment cause cough, itchy throat, a little phlegm.
- Stemonaceae 16g, Radix Scutellariae 12g, Salvia miltiorrhiza 12g, Semen Persicae 12g. Decoct 1 piece a day, drink in 2-3 months continuously. Treat tuberculosis. Can use stemonaceae 12g, decoct to get water, Beletia hyacinthina R. Br flour 12g, drink.
- Stemonaceae 1.000g, Radix Glehniae 1.000g, decot with 5.000ml water, remove the pulp, condense further 1.000g bee bile, condense small fire to become glue. Every time drink a tablespoons, 2 times a day. Treat cough due to pulmonary tuberculosis and cough due to heat lung (waste heat).
- Stemonaceae 20g, Ephedra sinica Stapf 8g, garlic 1 bulb, the roots of cotton plants 3 pieces. Decoction. Treatment of chronic bronchitis cause cough, asthma.
Deworming, except for lice and treating itch:
- Stemonaceae, Semen Aracae, Quisqualis indica, equal doses, pulverize, mix with lubricating around the anus. Pinworm treatment.
- Stemonaceae 63g decocts to get water, condense left 20ml water. Healing 2-3 times in the evening.
- Stemonaceae 200g, 1.000ml high alcohol soak for 24 hours, taking alcohol bath solution to apply in the site of the louse.
- Stemonaceae the pound, on-site massage rashes, mosquito bites, dermatitis, insect bites.
- Stemonaceae 20g, Radix sophorae flavescentis 12g, Borax 8g, Realgar 8g. Condensed Decoction, apply in rash spot.
Insecticides: Stemonaceae Decoction, add less bile sugar to kill the secret flies. Bath of 1 / 20 that kills off mosquito larvae. Spread stemonaceae powder will kill bugs.
Intolerance: Stemonaceae easily damage the stomach, likely to cause diarrhea for the weak stomach people, or diarrhea should not drink. Do not use for the spleen and the damaged virilia. Stemonaceae at high doses easily inhibit the respiratory center, can be fatal.
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